Although preventing all the consequences of climate change is now impossible, we can adopt policies to mitigate its impact. In a set of policy recommendations produced by the University of Jyväskylä, researchers examine the development of sustainable livelihoods in the Sundarbans, a coastal region of India and Bangladesh that is vulnerable to the impacts of climate change. The Sundarbans is one of the largest threatened mangrove ecosystems, which efficiently store carbon dioxide and protect coastal areas from cyclones.

In a research project funded by the Research Council of Finland entitled Sustainable Livelihoods and Politics at the Margins: Environmental Displacement in South Asia, researchers Sirpa Tenhunen, Mohammad Jasim Udd and Dayabati Roy have prepared recommendations for developing sustainable livelihoods in coastal areas where fragile mangrove forests occur.

Climate change will increase the intensity and frequency of tropical cyclones in the region and raise sea levels, increasing salinity and threatening settlement in the most vulnerable areas. However, land level fluctuations are nothing new in this estuary, as the Sundarbans have been and continue to be shaped by the silt carried by rivers from the Himalayan mountains. Strips of land are constantly rising from the shore, while elsewhere they are being submerged.

The report makes the following main recommendations for promoting sustainable development in mangrove forest areas:

  1. Addressing the multiple drivers of vulnerability in coastal communities
  2. Fostering sustainable livelihoods that do not exacerbate the adverse effects of climate change and harm the environment
  3. Adopting participatory approaches that enable the recognition of local communities’ unique needs, perspectives, and innovative practices in tackling the effects of climate change
  4. Improving coastal communities’ resilience to disasters

Regulation and control to shrimp farming

The researchers recommend addressing many of the vulnerabilities of coastal communities. These include the uncontrolled expansion of shrimp farming that threatens the fragile ecosystem and livelihoods of the region. As shrimp farms are established on agricultural land, they are taking over from the most labour-intensive livelihoods, with mangrove forests among those areas being cleared for shrimp farms. The salty water that is piped into shrimp farms makes the land unsuitable for farming, while the chemicals used in the farms pollute the environment.

The researchers also recommend regulation and control of shrimp farming. Instead of relocating populations, which is difficult to implement, they propose supporting environmentally friendly livelihoods in the area. An example of these would be freshwater harvesting and the associated fish farming and cultivation. On lands where the salinity levels are low it is possible to grow salt-tolerant crops. Many inhabitants already earn their living by harvesting forest products without damaging the forests. These livelihoods should not be discouraged in forest conservation. Ecotourism and agroforestry also offer sustainable livelihoods. Support schemes for residents should allow mobility, as many residents combine paid work in the city with their rural livelihoods.

Storm shelters, floodwalls and levees to protect residents from storms

Storm shelters, floodwalls and levees play a key role in protecting residents from storms. These vital infrastructures need to be maintained and managed in partnership with local communities. The corruption associated with infrastructure construction and the distribution of government benefits must be limited through monitoring and awareness-raising.

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